Cash Flow Forecast

A Cash Flow Forecast (CFF) is a forecast, prediction, or projection of future cash performance over a period such as six or twelve months. A CFF can help to answer the questions, “where will my money come from, where will it go, and how much, if any, will I have...

Cash Flow Statement

A Cash Flow Statement (CFS) or the statement of cash flows, is a financial statement that summarizes the amount of cash and cash equivalents entering and leaving a company. The CFS measures how well a company manages its cash position, meaning how well...


Distinguishing feature NOTE 1 A characteristic can be inherent or assigned.NOTE 2 A characteristic can be qualitative or quantitative.NOTE 3 There are various classes of characteristic, such as the following: — physical (e.g. mechanical, electrical, chemical or...

Competitive Strategy

A Competitive strategy is more than about being different, it is about being distinctive. It is the creation of a distinctive and valuable position in the minds of consumers, a Distinctive Value Proposition (DVP). It is about delivering a distinctive mix of benefits...


Complexity is a system or a system of nested systems, where each system contains interactive and interdependent agents where no amount of research, examination, or theory allows anyone to completely understand the system, control the system, and much less predict...