
There are a number of definitions for resilience, ranging from the vague, for our purposes, dictionary definitions, to the more specific, and for us more useful, systems-based definitions. Resilience defined by the Oxford Dictionary: The capacity to recover quickly...

Risk and Uncertainty

If you don’t know for sure what will happen, but you know the odds, that’s risk… if you don’t even know the odds, that’s uncertaintyFrank Knight #DontThinkCheck #BusinessResultant #StartMyBusiness #RunMyBusiness


Intangible results such as things done for you.In addition, where some authors use the term service, I have chosen to use the term solution.Please also refer to product.


A solution is a delivered bundle of products, services, and experiences that satisfies a Job To Be Done. It is possible for a solution to be standalone, but a successful solution is more likely to be a component of a Distinctive Value Proposition (DVP). The ratio of...


The concept of a stakeholder is important not only in Project Management but also in business and life in general. The following definitions are derived from A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK ® Guide), Page 563, 5th. Edition, Project...