Business Plan Template and Handbook

There can be many reasons for creating a Business Plan, with the main one being to obtain support, in the form of endorsement and resources, for a Business Model. To help you write your Business Plan, I have created a complimentary template and handbook.

Starting a Business – See a need, fill a need

Small to Medium Enterprises (SME, 1-19 employees) are important, as they comprise 90% of enterprises with employees, employ 29% of the workforce, and contribute 28% to GDP, However, starting a business is glamourised with pithy calls to action such as...

Scot and Nikki

November 2018 I was first introduced to Glyn through a business mentoring scheme.  From the very first meeting, I found him engaging and a wealth of knowledge.  He took the time to listen and hear my vision which is all it was when we first met and then...

Cargo Cult Speed-Mentoring

Cargo cult behaviour or science is the semblance of doing things right, essentially simply going through the motions, regardless of the merits or the probability of the activity engaged in to create or lead to the desired results. In the same way that advice is...