Why Companies Fail

Boat-loads can be written on the topic, and this won’t be my final post either, but the post by Alexander Osterwalder, of Strategyzer, titled Why Companies Work On Products Nobody Wants, covers some of the biggies. Full disclosure, I’m a fan of Strategyzer...

Heart, Mind, and Spirit

The Essence of Business What is the essence of business? What do people mean when they refer to heart, mind, and spirit when writing and speaking about aspects of business such as marketing? For example, “we need to appeal to the customers’ heart …” Well, the...

What Comes First, Mission or Vision?

So here’s the perennial trick question, “what came first, the chicken or the egg?” The trick is that there’s no trick, the egg came first, but what hatched was a different chicken. Ok, I’m not going to delve further into evolutionary biology, as I’m simply using that...

Customer Experience, Why Is It So Hard?

There seems to be a growing interest in The Customer Experience, but it shouldn’t be surprising to learn that the concept is not uniformly understood or applied. So what is this thing called The Customer Experience? A Customer Experience is an interaction [a...

The Law of Business

Business is all about selling to consumers what they want and need, in the form of a bundle of products, services, and inevitable experiences, that is a Solution, for more than it costs to produce that Solution. If you can’t do that, then either you haven’t got a...