by Glyn | Sep 3, 2018 | Blog
So where do we start? Great question, but it really depends on what you, the reader are after. Since I don’t know anything about your skills, experience, or personal attributes, or what you’re looking for, it is difficult to not only start somewhere, but also to know...
by Glyn | Nov 29, 2017 | Blog
Most of us have an inclination to want to express ourselves, to be seen, to be heard, i.e., to be noticed and to matter, and to be understood. Some could even be accused of liking the sound of their own voice. So why should we bother with this humble inquiry then?...
by Glyn | Apr 8, 2015 | Blog
Introduction This post is a summary of the book What Really Works – the 4+2 Formula For Sustained Business Success (Joyce, Nohria, & Roberson, 2003). Based on a scientific study of businesses over a 10 year period, the book presents the 4 primary and the 4...
by Glyn | Oct 9, 2014 | Blog
by Glyn | Jun 6, 2014 | Blog
Reading again the great work from Kailash Awati, aka K, and following his inevitable cascade of links (I love them really, but my brain is too small), I came across a link to this site. The heretics! is there really a world beyond the Bodies Of Knowledge (BOK) such as...
by Glyn | May 26, 2014 | Blog
Here’s a link to a site that really makes the point – just because there may be a correlation between two variables does not prove that there is a causal link.