The Halo Effect and Our Biases

The term halo effect was first used by E. A. Thorndike in 1920 (O’Neal & Mills, 1969), and refers to our error of logic of attributing characteristics to objects or people based on irrelevant traits, such as assuming one person is more intelligent than...

The Halo Effect – the book

Before you read another business book, read Phil Rosenzweig’s The Halo Effect … and the Eight Other Business Delusions That Deceive Managers (Rosenzweig, 2007), it could save your career. This book ranks as one of the most important books anyone, especially people in...

Thinking …

Well here goes for post number two … One of my passions is learning, especially about how the world and its infestation of humans really work. Not how you or I think the world and its infestation works, but based on verifiable evidence, how they really work. By...