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Cash Flow Forecasts and Cash Flow Statements

I have some posts that help to understand what Cash Flow Forecasts (CFF) and Cash Flow Statements (CFS) are: Glossary entry - Cash Flow Forecast.Glossary entry - Cash Flow Statement.eBook - Cash Flow Forecasts and Statements – A Brief Explanation.eBook Resources - Cash Flow Forecasts and Statements – A Brief Explanation – Resources.Templates - Accounting Templates.

Sally Starts a Business – With Facts, 1st Edition – Resources.

Purpose: The purpose of this post is to provide corrections, clarifications, and additional material to the published book. Books Starting a Business - With Facts, Not Faith Posts Episode 1: Starting a Business - IntroductionStarting a Business - See a need, fill a need Cash Flow Documents NZTE:Cash Flow ForecastDTC:Cash Flow Forecast - glossary entry.Cash Flow Statement - glossary entry.Cash Flow Forecasts and Statements - A Brief Explanation - ebook.Sally’s Cash Flow Forecast Break-even...

SAB-WFNF 2nd Edition Resources

Starting a Business - With Facts, Not Faith, 2nd Edition - Resources. Purpose: The purpose of this post is to provide corrections, clarifications, and additional material to the published book. Business Plans New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) - Your Business Plan Template and the Planning for Success Workbook that explains how to complete it: Your Business Plan Template. Planning for Success Workbook. Or, if you wish, you can inspect and use the Business Plan Template and Handbook that I...

Business Plan Template and Handbook

There can be many reasons for creating a Business Plan, with the main one being to obtain support, in the form of endorsement and resources, for a Business Model. To help you write your Business Plan, I have created a complimentary template and handbook.

Starting a Business – See a need, fill a need

Small to Medium Enterprises (SME, 1-19 employees) are important, as they comprise 90% of enterprises with employees, employ 29% of the workforce, and contribute 28% to GDP, However, starting a business is glamourised with pithy calls to action such as “follow your passion!” Sure, a minimal amount of passion is needed to get out of bed, but so is a pulse, so such aphorisms are not only incomplete, but they are unrealistic and are therefore unhelpful. A more realistic mantra, based...

Cargo Cult Speed-Mentoring

Cargo cult behaviour or science is the semblance of doing things right, essentially simply going through the motions, regardless of the merits or the probability of the activity engaged in to create or lead to the desired results. In the same way that advice is effective to the extent that it is valid and actionable, that is, leads to effective action, an action is effective to the extent that it leads to the consequences intended in ways that persevere, but without generating, unintended...

What Is Competitive Strategy?

For an organisation to be successful, it has to get many things correct through the execution of various strategies. For the purpose of this article, an organisation can be thought of as having a business strategy, how it will organise itself internally to achieve its goals, and a competitive strategy, where it will position itself within its industry context. The success of a business via its various strategies depends on doing many things well - not just a few - and integrating them...